President’s Message

Make Your Mark

Dear Lion,

Growing up in Brazil as part of an entrepreneurial family, I learned how important it was to have a vision and a plan to achieve it. I also learned the power of community. Community has always been the bedrock of my journey, and the deep sense of belonging and the desire to strengthen it ignited my passion for service.

That’s the spark that led me to Lions. I saw something special in this organization — an opportunity to give back to the community that had been so good to me. And I have as a Lion, just as you have in your own community.

When we serve, we make a lasting impression in the lives of the people we serve. It’s the mark of compassion. It’s the mark of kindness. It’s the mark of a Lion.

That’s why my presidential message for this year is “Make Your Mark.”

Let’s make our mark by inviting others to join our clubs, opening the doors to new friendships and new ideas. Let’s make our mark by increasing our impact, and serving more people than ever before.

Each Lion has a story to tell. I hope the stories in this issue will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to share your own stories with your community.

It is my deepest honor to serve as your international president. Together, we will make our mark, every time and everywhere we serve.
At your service,

Fabrício Oliveira
International President, Lions Clubs International


Dear Lions,

A new year is all about fresh beginnings and new possibilities. And as we step into another new Lions Year, we are delighted to announce some exciting innovations in the Lion (India) magazine.


Dear Lions,

At the recently concluded 106th International Convention in Melbourne , Australia , our International President Fabricio Olivera gave a clarion call to Lions: ‘Make Your Mark’. And as Lions, we know how to do this!

Cover Story
For The Record

As of August 01, 2024 Lions International had 1,350,887 members in 49,257 clubs in 200+ countries and geographical locations




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