Presidential Academy, District 318E
MD 318 comprises the whole of Kerala, a tiny state in the southernmost tip of India. Coming to Lions movement, the Multiple has five sub-districts now.
We have 834 active Lions Clubs with total membership strength of 27,487 as on October 3, 2024. At present, the MD has a net membership gain of 1136. We are happy to say that MD 318 is one Multiple that has shown positive membership growth during the last two consecutive Lion years.
Key Highlights from MD 318:
- All five districts organized their Presidential Academies with excellent participation.
- GAT Assemblies were conducted in all five districts with very good participation.
- CLLI is being organized in all the five districts in a systematic way.
- The importance of MISSION 1.5 has percolated to the club level. MISSION 1.5 Conclave is being held on November 17, 2024.
- All districts united to mobilize maximum funds for the rehabilitation of Wayanad landslide victims. A committee has been formed and rehabilitation work worth Rs.5 crores has been announced, with Lions actively working towards the same.
- ‘Home for the Homeless’ and ‘Hunger’ are two major service projects that all districts undertake regularly.
- LCIF Chairperson PIP Dr. Patti Hill visited MD 318 this year. District 318A is proceeding with the ‘Home A Dream’ project of constructing 125 houses as Lions Colonies in four locations with support from the Government of Kerala.
Members of new Club with DG Team
Distribution of First Aid Boxes and Medicines to Auto-rickshaw Drivers
MISSION 1.5 Hero Award: Mid-Year Milestone
Heroes lead by example. And Lion leaders who oversee specific areas that achieve their membership target will receive a true hero’s reward – these Mission Hero Plaques.
Qualifying criteria:
- Awarded to district governors, district/MD coordinators and GAT area leaders meeting 50% of their established membership target by December 31 each year of MISSION 1.5 with at least one new club formed.
- District governors must also personally sponsor at least 5 new members
- GAT area leaders and GAT district/MD coordinators must also have all of the districts in their purview reach half their targets and personally sponsor at least 5 new members or form a new club
Districts achieving their targets will be recognized on at the end of each year.
PCC Vaman Kumar
GAT Area Leader for MD 317 & MD 318
GAT Area Leader for MD 317 & MD 318