Roar of Change: Associate Editors Conference 2024

The Associate Editors Conference 2024 Heralds the New Digital Era for Lion (India) Magazine.

They came from all corners of India. And as urged by the Editor PID Vamidhar Babu, they remembered to pack in a lot of ideas for what promises to be one of the best magazines in the world of Lions.

The 'Roar of Change' mnemonic and an engaging WhatsApp campaign set the tone for the Associate Editors Conference, held on August 1 and 2, 2024 at Taj Bangalore, Kempegowda International Airport.

Inaugurated by Chairperson PID Jitendra Singh Chauhan, the two-day event buzzed with excitement as participants prepared for Lion (India) magazine’s new digital avatar. “It’s not going to be the same magazine we have been used to. It’s going to be very, very interesting,” promised PID Vijay Kumar Raju as he spoke about the ‘Changing Face of the Lion (India) magazine.’ Stressing the need for change, he urged the ‘new age Associate Editors,’ to take the magazine to the next level.

The agenda was a packed one. There were sessions by Past International Directors R. Murugan and Krishna Reddy, both of whom served as editors of the magazine earlier, and Nahida Sunil of Jumde Art Copy. Pranav and Natasha Jatia of The Design Pilot joined in virtually offering crucial guidance on crafting engaging social media content.

As the conference drew to a close, certificates were presented to the participants. However, this was not just an end, but a new beginning. Armed with fresh ideas, new strategies, and a renewed sense of purpose, the Editorial Team is now poised to transform the Lion (India) magazine into a dynamic digital platform, which will amplify the roar of Lions across India and beyond.