Leaders and Readers

Ever wondered what books inspire those who inspire us? In this new feature, we peek into the reading lives of our Lions leaders. From current page-turners to life-changing classics, we explore how the written word shapes their thoughts, actions, and visions for service.  This month we speak to International First Vice President A.P. Singh on his favourite books. How many of these have you read?

What books are on your bedside table? And how would you rate them?

Stories by Rumi, The Prophet, Illusions, Emotional Intelligence
Believe in Yourself… I consider them to be guides to a better and more meaningful life.

Do you have a favourite genre or author? What appeals to you about them?

Basically I prefer non-fiction, stuff that provides insights into human behaviour and that motivates. Kahlil Gibran is my favourite author. ‘The Prophet’ has had a great impact on me. There are other books of similar nature as well, but I have listed above what you have termed to be the favourites.

Is there any book that you keep going back to and what draws you to it?

I go back to each of the books referred above, again and again. They are so simply written, yet they project a deep dive into the human mind, and offers perspectives that could help us move forward in the most positive manner.

How do you make time for reading in your busy schedule as a Lions leader?

I don’t read them as per any schedule, just pick them up and read them. It will forward whatever time I have. I believe that if there’s something that we love to do, we can always find time to do that.

Which book has had the most significant impact on your leadership style?

‘Emotional Intelligence’ and a few others that came out as a sequel to this one (like Working with EI, Social Intelligence), by Daniel Goleman have been extremely inspiring.

Is there a book you believe every Lion should read? And why?

Now that’s a personal choice, and I would not like to impose my preferences on anybody.

What’s one book on your “to-read” list that you’re excited about?

It’s not just one book, but it’s a series of books by Swami Vivekananda.

Has a book changed or challenged your perspective on an important issue? If so, which one and how?

‘Illusions’ has really helped me accept that there are always more paths to the same destination, many more than the one that I may be following. And that helped me to learn to accept the views that may even be contrarian.

Do you have any reading rituals or habits you’d like to share?

Read at will, read whenever you want, read even at midnight or when you can’t sleep, read what you love. Read on your tablets as you are travelling, technology gives us great flexibility today.

If you were to write a book about your life, what would its title be? And why would you choose that title?

I have not considered that so far.