The concurrent LEO ISAME Forum 2024, hosted at Hotel Westin, brought together 110 Leos for three days of leadership development and networking. It began with International President Fabricio Oliveira’s inspiring opening address, after which Leos participated in the grand inauguration of the main ISAME Forum at HICC. The program featured an impressive lineup of speakers, including LCIF Chairperson Dr. Patti Hill who discussed LCIF partnerships, International First Vice President AP Singh who shared organizational opportunities, and PID Sangeeta Jatia who focused on social media and professional networking.

The LEO ISAME Forum balanced leadership development with practical skills, featuring a diverse range of sessions including presentations by Leo-Lion Board Liaison Nicole Luk from Hong Kong and Past Leo-Lion Board Liaison Akshit Bagla on MISSION 1.5, Leo-to-Lion transition and grant opportunities. The Forum culminated in a vibrant networking session where district presidents shared success stories and Leos exchanged ideas about club activities, demonstrating the powerful future of Lions leadership.