Fifty young minds lit up with possibility at a dynamic two-day Vision Board Workshop hosted by the Mulanthuruthy Leo Club, District 318C. Echoing Oprah Winfrey’s wisdom that “anything you can imagine, you can create,” the workshop transformed abstract dreams into colorful reality as participants crafted their aspirations on paper under the guidance of expert trainers Mr. M K Sathish and Lion Joy John.

Did You Know?
Research has shown that people who write down their goals are 42 percent more likely to achieve them than those who don’t!Armed with markers, magazines, and boundless imagination, the students dove into creating visual representations of their goals. Their vision boards burst with images of future careers, dream universities, and positive affirmations. A dedicated session enabled the participants to share their personal experience and takeaways from the program.
As the workshop concluded on September 23, 2024, the room buzzed with renewed purpose. The young participants left carrying with them clear roadmaps to their futures and the confidence to pursue them.