Step into the government primary school in Devriya and you will find boys and girls engrossed in the pages of a book, discovering magical worlds of possibilities. It was not always so. These eyes were once glued to the screens of mobile phones. A fact that worried Kaushik Hapani of the Amreli Lions Club, District 3232-J, during his visits to the villages in Saurashtra region of Gujarat. A conversation with one of the teachers revealed that the schools there lacked basic library facilities that could encourage a reading habit among students.

“I knew this needed to be addressed quickly. Books don’t just tell stories; they shape futures. And this was a perfect project for our club,” says Project Chairperson Kaushik Hapani. His fellow members unanimously agreed, and the ‘Gyan Parab Pustakalay’ initiative was launched.
Kantibhai Waghasia, who leads the club’s fundraising through its annual Diwali firecracker sale, explains, “We decided to allocate a significant portion of our funds to this cause.”
In October 2023, the club inaugurated the first library with 350 carefully curated books, including inspirational stories, the biographies of freedom fighters, science fiction, yoga guides, and general knowledge material.
Today, each of the 15 libraries houses 565 books, representing an investment of Rs.60,000/- per facility.

Building Libraries,
Building Futures
Amreli Lions Club has established 15 libraries in government primary schools across villages including Devriya, Devgan, Amrapur, and Bambhavaniya.
“Our vision extends beyond these initial successes,” says Advisor Dinesh Bhuva. “Under our motto ‘Padega Bharat to Badhega Bharat’ (When India Reads, India Progresses), we aim to establish 15 additional libraries by December 2025, complete with storage solutions. Our focus remains on fostering cognitive development, language skills, imagination, and creativity among children.”
The impact is already visible in the bright eyes and eager faces of the students. “We are grateful to Amreli Lions Club for introducing these value-based activities in our school,” says Nitish Hirpara, Principal of Amrapur Primary School.
As another page turns, the student huddled over a book in a tiny village of Gujarat is transported to a land thousands of miles away, learning about new people, new places, new cultures. Yes, he opened a book and opened his mind.