MD 321 Powers Ahead with MISSION 1.5

PCC Dr. Kshitij Sharma,
GAT Area Leader (MD 321)

Lions Clubs International’s enduring mission to empower volunteers, address humanitarian needs, and promote peace finds new momentum in MISSION 1.5. This comprehensive initiative focuses on three strategic pillars: membership growth, retention, and new club development.

PCC Dr. Kshitij Sharma,
 GAT Area Leader (MD 321)

The MISSION 1.5 Summit, held on January 10-11, 2024, in Mumbai, brought together District, Multiple District, Area, and Constitutional Area Leadership to nurture a culture of sustainable growth. International First Vice President A. P. Singh emphasized that growth is more than just numbers; it is about creating a vibrant, inclusive, and purpose-driven environment in Lions Clubs. Leaders engaged in collaborative discussions and workshops to outline practical strategies for achieving our enhanced goals.

The revised targets and action plans were shared on one-to-one basis with the respective district teams at the GAT session during the First Council Meeting. Districts were encouraged to host local GAT Workshops for Region and Zone Chairpersons and Club Presidents, providing comprehensive guidelines and resources to assist clubs in implementing membership initiatives effectively.

The implementation phase saw significant progress with District GAT workshops conducted across multiple locations:

These workshops emphasized identifying underserved communities, establishing new clubs to address local needs, strengthening partnerships with community leaders and building awareness about Lions International.

The Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) organized in Lucknow on September 27-28, 2024, introduced MISSION 1.5 to 56 emerging leaders of MD 321 to. The event addressed growth strategies, common challenges, and solutions while highlighting leadership recognition opportunities.

The Multiple and District GAT teams gathered together for a second Council Meeting from October 16-18, 2024 at Palampur to reflect on our achievements, assess our challenges, and chart a course that would strengthen our resolve to achieve the MISSION 1.5 targets. Every First Vice District Governor was motivated to extend at least two clubs during their tenure; a target that was fulfilled on November 25, 2024.

Answer the call. Make your mark!

Making your mark means making a difference. When you take action to grow our membership, you are leading by example and demonstrating to your fellow Lions and Leos what it means to take initiative and make great things happen.

This Year’s Presidential Awards

Achieving District Net Gain

Surpass the MISSION 1.5 target, achieve higher!

Qualifying Criteria:

Building Diversity

Make your mark by inviting more women and members under 45 to join us.

Qualifying Criteria:

Starting Leo-Lion Clubs

Leo-Lions are the future of service. Charter new Leo- Lions clubs

Qualifying Criteria:

Jesse Robinson Membership Growth Cup

Be forever honored for your exceptional contributions to our membership growth.

Qualifying Criteria: