By: Shelby Washington
In October 2024, LCIF held a virtual tea party via Zoom to congratulate 23 Immediate Past District Governors in Constitutional Area (CA) VI whose districts surpassed their stretch goal. CA VI went above and beyond their stretch goal of raising $7.2 million last fiscal year and raised an impressive 111% of the goal. Each of the IPDGs were also gifted a beautiful tea set along with a personal note from Past International President (PIP) Brian Sheehan, who also joined the celebration.

Reaching a district’s stretch goal is a major accomplishment that requires a lot of drive and hard work. When asked what inspired Immediate Past District Governor (IPDG) Nagaraj from District 317F to strive for the goal, he says, “The inspiration to achieve our district’s stretch goal stemmed from a deep-rooted commitment to serving our community and making a lasting impact. We were driven by the desire to address pressing needs, such as providing essential healthcare services, and supporting those in need. We were elated to succeed in our fundraising efforts.”

IPDG Nagaraj really enjoyed the tea party. He says, “It was a valuable opportunity for networking, sharing experiences, and discussing important issues facing Lions International. It’s inspiring to hear about the dedication and passion of Lions leaders.” The attendees even snapped a fun virtual picture together to capture the moment. IPDG Manisha Agarwal says, “I loved taking the party picture. It was my favorite moment!”
In addition to the tea set and note, LCIF provided a personalized plaque from PIP Sheehan and a box of 1868 Masala Chai tea. “I felt grateful for the thoughtful gift, excited to use the tea set, and appreciative of the gesture. I also felt a sense of connection to the person who gave me the gift, as the tea set would be a tangible reminder of their thoughtfulness,” says IPDG Nagaraj.
PIP Sheehan attended the tea party to personally thank all the IPDGs for their dedication to LCIF. IPDG Nagaraj says, “It was a great moment for all IPDG’s to talk to PIP Sheehan. Each one of us expressed our gratitude and shared our success stories as to how we raised the funds for our Foundation.”
The virtual tea party was not just a celebration, it was a moment of connection, reflection and gratitude. As the IPDGs sipped their tea and reflected on their success stories, they were left with a renewed sense of purpose and a stronger connection to one another. IPDG Agarwal raved about it saying, “The tea party was a very unique and innovative concept. I think it would be a great idea to continue it in the future.”
Learn more about the ways our leadership recognizes individuals, clubs and districts.